Synopsis: Haggai
Organisation of the synopsis The Writer Haggai ministers to the Jews and encourages them in the rebuilding of the temple. The first return of the Jews to their land was during the decree of Cyrus in 537 BC and the temple reconstruction was only finished in 516 BC. The temple rebuilding process was stopped for 14 years when the Jews’s enemies petitioned the King to stop the work of rebuilding the city. When King Artaxerxes gave the decree to stop the construction works (Ezra 4:21; 24) the Jews interpreted the decree as not only to stop the rebuilding of the city and its walls but also the work in the temple. However, the King does not mention any order to stop the temple building work. Meanwhile the Jews concentrated on building their own houses during the interval of 14 years. Haggai was mentioned in Ezra 5:1 when he encourages the Jews to continue with the reconstruction of the temple. Key Verse Haggai 1:4 Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your cieled houses...