Christian Standards Part 3(b): Man's Journey on Earth

" If you are not on the Christian path, you will find these Christian standards burdensome. However, if you are on the right path, you will find that His standards are actually not difficult to observe as quoted in 1 John 5:3. " CHRISTIAN STANDARDS (Part 3b) I often encounter people who are quite shy to be called a Christian. I have given the subject on why some Christians are shy to announce that they are Christians and come to certain conclusions that it has something to do with the subject of Christian standards. In Merriam Webster, the word ‘standards’ can be defined as “something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example”. In our case, Christian Standards will be the model behaviour of a Christian established by the Bible. A Christian must indeed abide by the standards that the Lord Jesus Christ set out in the Bible. Naturally, when a Christian falls short of God’s standards, he is ashamed to bear His name. I have spent a considerable ...