Synopsis: Zephaniah
Organisation of the synopsis The writer The prophet traced his lineage to King Hezekiah. His name means ‘Jehovah hides or hidden’. The meaning of his name is instructive as the day of the Lord (an event of great significance and very much emphasised in this book) is hidden from the majority of the people. If this coming event is taken seriously, many more people will be blessed. Zephaniah’s ministry was in the days of King Josiah (BC 640-609) who was a good king in Judah. But the influence of Josiah’s predecessors Manasseh and Amon had led the people astray from the worship of Jehovah for about 50 years and its idolatrous effects continued to be felt during Zephaniah’s time. Key verse Zephaniah 1:8 And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD'S sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel. The day of the Lord is repeatedly mentioned in this book. It is the dreadful day...