Part “A” (I Corinthians 10:1-14) Historical lessons on salvation Salvation can be term the most important subject in a person life. It is way more important than the subject of one’s education, career and even marriage. Surprisingly, given its importance, many people are giving it a very low emphasis in their lives. The subject was mooted by the Lord in Mark 8:36. He asked, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” The comparison of salvation with the possession of the whole world is rightly relevant. The Lord is teaching us to place the greatest emphasis on this subject as amongst all that people can secure on earth, salvation of our souls is the crown compared to all other achievements. There are also a lot of misconceived ideas on the subject of salvation. A brief summarisation of some of these ideas are as follows: • God has an obligation to save everyone and all one needs to do is to do some good deeds like dropping you...