Man's Journey on Earth: The Christian Path (Part 2b)

Human reasoning is a unique feature of the humankind and this is a radical difference between humans and animals. However, we must admit that human reasoning has its limitations too and can also be biased and influenced by the environment and norms of society.

The Christian Path

In Part 2 (a) of my earlier article, I mentioned that the fork in the road comprises many choices. On the matter of how you conduct your life, I have narrowed down to two choices, i.e. one’s Current path and the Christian path. The Christian path was unreservedly recommended and for those who want to know why the Christian path was so strongly recommended, this section aims to provide the answers.

The Current path

Who are on this path?

Man’s current path is the result of people’s reasoning on how they conduct their life on earth. Apart from their reasoning, quite a number walk this path by convention. Without much thinking, they continue the journey because that was how their forefathers used to live. Similarly, the aborigines today still worship the sun and moon, believing in their mythical tales despite man has already landed on the moon! This is just one example and I hope that the readers of this article who are on their respective ‘current paths’ would consider switching to the Christian path.  

In the description of the current path, some are deluded into thinking that they are already on the Christian path. This is a fallacy because the Christian path is more than taking a picture with a bible, having a Christian name, following your Christian parents to church or going to church once a year during Christmas. This group is still on the current path and they need to choose the Christian path. The Christian path involves a personal belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and living a life worthy of His name. If a person is still not convinced, the Bible spells out the clear teachings on Christian conduct in 1 Cor 6:9-10.

Furthermore, in the current path, you may or may not believe in God. These days with the advancement of science, quite a number do not believe in the existence of God. Nevertheless, death still reigns with a surety that cannot be denied. Life’s aplomb still ends with death. Upon death, which I termed it as the ‘great equalizer’— all— whether rich or poor, great or small come to the same destination. 

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

Limitations of Human reasoning

I shared the Gospel with a lady who told me that she will believe in a faith that conforms to her reasoning.  I think she is quite frank in her opinions. All of us take such a view although we may not express it so openly. The atheist, agnostic, theist and poly-theist reason and take their position according to their thinking.  

When we approach the subject of God which most of us believe as the Creator of all things, why should it be subject to agreement within our intellect? Human reasoning is a unique feature of the humankind and this is a radical difference between humans and animals. However, we must admit that human reasoning has its limitations too and can also be biased and influenced by the environment and norms of society. 

If we are honest within ourselves, I can say that most people will readily listen to a scientist in whatever he utters and even if they are purely nonsensical. However, they would shun the advice of an ordinary person who may enlighten us with moral values in life.  

I am a believer in education and it is certainly not wrong to learn from others who are smarter. But we must be cautioned that the subject of God is beyond mere human intelligence. No philosopher, scientist or person can tell us where we go after death in absolute certainty. These truths are only revealed by God himself to us through His words, which is the Bible. 

The imputation of sin on humankind
The human race is tainted with sin. Sin can be described as having missed the mark of goodness set by God as far as our conduct is concerned. It is better described in examples such as covetousness, hatred, pride and such like. Individuals fight over possessions; nations over boundaries; employees over promotion and even infants over toys. This is sin. How this comes about is described in the Bible as follows:

Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. 

Adam our first ancestor sinned when he disobeyed God. Since his fall, the evil nature has passed down to the human race.

Man’s solution to sin

Man, as a creature created in the image of God, has certain characteristics of God and generally dislikes sin. Somehow, you can see the whole world hates sin and the majority advocate the value of altruism. Even in depraved groups like the gangs in drug cartels, they embrace altruism among their members. Cambridge dictionary defines altruism as “willingness to do things that bring advantages to others, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself.” Unfortunately, much as people understand the value of altruism as a solution to counter the sin in us, we are unable to be altruistic all the way and the sinful nature in us tends to abound.

The Bible puts it plainly that “For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do” (Rom 7:19)

Man has no solution to the power of sin.

Romans 7:24: O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

The Christian Path
John 3:13  And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

The above verse plainly declares the merit of the Christian path because it is a path not of speculation or human reasoning, but its revelation to mankind. Revelation overcomes the limitations of human reasoning when we consider the path to take throughout our journey on earth ending in the grave. 

No one, however intelligent, can tell me what was on my writing table when I was writing this article. How many pens were in my pen holder? Was there a penholder? Which laptop model or printer was I using? However, if you can see me during the time I was writing this article, you can answer these simple questions easily because it has been revealed to you. 

I hope you can understand why the Christian path is the right path. It is a revealed path and not of any speculation by an intelligent man.

The existence of God

This sub-section is written to address the atheistic beliefs. I will just put forth the Teleological arguments (or arguments from design). 

Psalms 19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork”. 

When we consider the earth (the place we dwell) it was so meticulously placed that it is neither too hot nor too cold. Further evidence for the existence of a designer (God) is just by looking at our own biological set up from bones to cells! For random chance to take place, I can just use a simple answer that it is impossible— instead of alluding to the many zeroes in the calculation of probability. 

Jesus Christ is God
John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 

John 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

The introduction of God in the first verse of Genesis Chapter 1 uses the term ‘God’ in the plural form, i.e. Elohim. This teaches us that God is more than one person. God exists in three persons, normally termed as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, 1 John 5:7. Christianity hinges on Jesus Christ. You have to accept Him as God the Son because without Him, all of one’s beliefs are no different from the current path. 

When I was searching for God, I like the teaching of the Lord Jesus. I greatly admire Him in every aspect― except one. He claims that “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me”. Being taught to be humble (also from the Bible) and not to elevate one’s self, I find the Lord’s statement difficult to accept as I see it as being highly egoistic. 

Later, after reading one of C.S. Lewis arguments in “Mere Christianity”, Lewis reasoned that the Lord Jesus spoke in such words because it is the truth. As an example, 158 +112 =270. One has to emphatically say 270. If it is 271 or 269 or 269.9― it is wrong

Therefore, you have to admit he is telling the truth or lying or he is a boaster. Further examination of His life just authenticates that He is telling the truth and that is how I accept him whole-heartedly as my God and Saviour. 

God’s solution for sins

When we take the Christian path, we accept God’s solution for the eradication of sins in our lives. When it was impossible for man to atone for their sins, God sent His Son to pay the price for sin, the sinless and for the sinful. God the Son came about 2000 years ago to the earth in human form so that he can pay the price for our sins (Phil 2:5-8). 

In His death on the cross, he bore our sins on His sinless body and through His death, the penalty for sins was fully satisfied. All of us that believe in Him can secure forgiveness of sins and walk as a new man in fellowship with God. This is the Christian concept of forgiveness of sin and we term it as “grace”. In the simplest of example, when you eat at the restaurant, you owe the amount due in the bill. But you need not pay because your friend has walked in and settled your bill.

Dear Friends, 

The Christian path is always available to you. The Bible exhorts one to “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near”. The selection of the Christian path is free, available to all. One only needs to repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). I like reading Christian epitaphs, which are mostly written in words of assurance like, “I am the resurrection and the life.” But the most direct word is in a headstone without any description of the dead person. The word is “FORGIVEN”.

With God’s blessings,


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