

 Part “A” (I Corinthians 10:1-14) Historical lessons on salvation Salvation can be term the most important subject in a person life. It is way more important than the subject of one’s education, career and even marriage. Surprisingly, given its importance, many people are giving it a very low emphasis in their lives. The subject was mooted by the Lord in Mark 8:36. He asked, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”  The comparison of salvation with the possession of the whole world is rightly relevant. The Lord is teaching us to place the greatest emphasis on this subject as amongst all that people can secure on earth, salvation of our souls is the crown compared to all other achievements. There are also a lot of misconceived ideas on the subject of salvation. A brief summarisation of some of these ideas are as follows: • God has an obligation to save everyone and all one needs to do is to do some good deeds like dropping you...

Personal Accountability (Ezekiel 18)

 " The reason why a sinner can be forgiven is now brought to light. It is the result of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He paid the price for our sins." Personal Accountability Ezekiel 18:2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? The above proverb means that children would suffer the consequences of their father’s action.  In this verse, the Lord is referring to the blame the children of Israel put on their forefathers as the exile of the children of Israel to Babylon was the result of their forefathers’ sins.  In Jeremiah 31:29 God had also mentioned about this saying, but in the next verse, God explains , “But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge” (Jer 31:30).   Taking the example of the Israelites’ exile, the children were bought into a foreign land because ...

A Preview of the Christian Hope: Man's Journey on Earth (Part 4)

Luke 11:31 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. A PREVIEW OF THE CHRISTIAN HOPE When most Christians are asked about the Christian hope, they will inadvertently say ‘Heaven’.  However, the Christian hope is more than the place called ‘heaven’. Although heaven is part of the Christian hope, it cannot be the only hope. Just as if you are staying in an idyllic island, our hope is more than just that. There is no point staying on that island when you are already a cancer stricken patient who is about to die.  This article provides a preview of the Christian hope. A good understanding of our hope can encourage believers in the Christian path to walk with joy. In the quotation (Luke 11:31) above, the queen of Sheba came to witness the magnificence of Solomon’s kingdom and after the visit, she ex...

Christian Standards Part 3(b): Man's Journey on Earth

" If you are not on the Christian path, you will find these Christian standards burdensome. However, if you are on the right path, you will find that His standards are actually not difficult to observe as quoted in 1 John 5:3. "  CHRISTIAN STANDARDS (Part 3b) I often encounter people who are quite shy to be called a Christian. I have given the subject on why some Christians are shy to announce that they are Christians and come to certain conclusions that it has something to do with the subject of Christian standards.  In Merriam Webster, the word ‘standards’ can be defined as “something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example”. In our case, Christian Standards will be the model behaviour of a Christian established by the Bible. A Christian must indeed abide by the standards that the Lord Jesus Christ set out in the Bible. Naturally, when a Christian falls short of God’s standards, he is ashamed to bear His name. I have spent a considerable ...

Christian Standards (Part 3A): Man's Journey on Earth

"Some believe in their own reasonings that they are on the Christian path because they are not anti-Christian, so God will give them the heavenly promises. Some progress by embracing the faith even to the extent of baptism, but stop attending church services. They justify their actions by their reasonings that God understands their peculiar situations and quotes, ‘once saved, always saved’ . Elders and Pastors are important in guiding us on the path we take― but the best person to check whether you are on the Christian path is yourself ."  CHRISTIAN STANDARDS (Part 3a)  Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. One of the fairest events in the world is the gift of salvation. Whether you are rich and famous or poor and incognito, God treats us equally. The joy felt in heaven is no different as the verse above tells us plainly over the joy felt when one sinner repented.  It is the will of God for ...

Man's Journey on Earth: The Christian Path (Part 2b)

Human reasoning is a unique feature of the humankind and this is a radical difference between humans and animals. However, we must admit that human reasoning has its limitations too and can also be biased and influenced by the environment and norms of society. The Christian Path In Part 2 (a) of my earlier article, I mentioned that the fork in the road comprises many choices. On the matter of how you conduct your life, I have narrowed down to two choices, i.e. one’s Current path and the Christian path. The Christian path was unreservedly recommended and for those who want to know why the Christian path was so strongly recommended, this section aims to provide the answers. The Current path Who are on this path? Man’s current path is the result of people’s reasoning on how they conduct their life on earth. Apart from their reasoning, quite a number walk this path by convention. Without much thinking, they continue the journey because that was how their forefathers used to live. Similarly...