The Happiest Place on Earth

Genesis 28:16, And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not. 

Matthew 18:20, For where two or three are gathered unto my name, there, I am in the midst of thee. 


We love to sing with one accord 

The riches of Thy grace; 

We love to come before Thee, Lord, 

On earth no happier place. (Hymn 312, Believers hymn book) 


The 8th of May 2024 was our Assembly's 30th anniversary. We are thankful for God’s help over these 30 years of faithful witness for God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Some would have wondered how the Assembly started and why another assembly is needed when there are already many assemblies within the vicinity. Our answers are fairly similar to the writings made by the author of the book, “The Pilgrim Church.  


Events in the history of the churches in the time of the Apostles have been selected and recorded in the Book of Acts in such a way as to provide a permanent pattern for the churches. Departure from this pattern has had disastrous consequences, and all revival and restoration has been due to some return to the pattern and principles contained in the Scriptures. 


The following account of some later events, compiled from various writers, shows that there has been a continuous succession of churches composed of believers who have made it their aim to act upon the teaching of the New Testament. This succession is not necessarily to be found in any one place, often such churches have been dispersed or have degenerated, but similar ones have appeared in other places. The pattern is so clearly delineated in the Scriptures as to have made it possible for churches of this character to spring up in fresh places and among believers who did not know that disciples before them had taken the same path, or that there were some in their own time in other parts of the world.  


All who believed were witnesses for Christ, "they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word" (Acts 8. 4). The practice of founding churches where any, however few, believed, gave permanence to the work, and as each church was taught from the first its direct dependence on the Holy Spirit and responsibility to Christ, it became a centre for propagating the Word of Life. To the newly founded church of the Thessalonians it was said, "from you sounded out the word of the Lord" (1 Thess. 1. 8). 

(Extracts from The Pilgrim Church by EH Broadbent, Pages 6-7) 


Our Assembly offers Christians a place to worship God in the way He prescribed. The Assembly in Wangsa Ukay was established on the principles of the New Testament principles, which have been re-discovered. We are neither pioneers nor the final ones in such an establishment We literally believe in God’s promise that He will be present among the believers who gather in His name (Matthew 18:20). This verse encapsulates the theme of the message: on earth no happier place.  


The significance of associating with a prominent person is widely recognised. Somehow, it is understood that when such an individual pays a visit, arrangements will be made to cater to their preferences. Be it cuisine, ambience, or attire, efforts will be made to accommodate them as much as possible. The extent one goes to please this eminent person will align with the hosts’ perception of this person's prominence and what they can do for them.

It is quite clear to all that if these compliances are not observed, the person will not be pleased, and it is expected that a subsequent visit would likely be declined. In a similar vein, if churches depart from the guidelines laid out in the scriptures, can we expect the Lord Jesus to be pleased to grace such gatherings with His presence? This is a serious question, and I am not in the position to judge on His behalf.  


God has clearly set out the pattern for us to organise the Assembly and it is our duty to     follow and not question it. We sincerely believe such obedience is well-pleasing to Him and His promise to be with us is evergreen. 


Why the church is the happiest place on earth 


In life, it is always nice to have a mentor and supporter. Furthermore, if your mentor and supporter is a powerful person on earth, it is so much more assuring. Meeting this person once a month would have been able to solve all your problems. But in the Assembly, we have the Lord Jesus presence each week. The Creator of heavens and earth in our midst! Indeed, when we are in church, it is the happiest place on earth. This Person, the Lord Jesus is both omnipotent and omniscient.  


The presence of the omnipotent God  

Many individuals find it more comprehensible and relatable when they interact with a tangible person. As illustrated by the case of a prominent figure above, the hosts are willing to go to great lengths to please the person, in anticipation of some form of reward. At times, their sole desire is to capture a photograph with the honour guest and display it at their place of businessIt is an astonishing fact that despite the Lord Jesus’ assurance of His presence among us, there are Christians who do not perceive it as a significant occasion. Sometimes, they are even willing to forgo this event for a social activity!  


The term ‘omnipotent’ signifies all-powerful. It is no surprise that His name is ‘I AM’. He possesses the ability to accomplish anything, and the entire world, along with everything within it, is His creation. How blessed we are to have Him in our Assembly each week. He even refers to those who honour Him as ‘friends’, as stated in John 15:15.    


The presence of the omniscient God 

When we gather to remember the Lord Jesus every Sunday, we are filled with praises and thanksgiving towards our Saviour. Although we do not ask Him for things we need, we are always comforted that the Lord Jesus is omniscient, which means all-knowing. With an omniscient God in our midst, do we need to be troubled with all the things that vex us?  

Mat 6:32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.  

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  


Dear Friends,  

All the privileges the Christians enjoy above are not given to them only. It is given to everyone who wants to enjoy this fellowship with the Creator of the heavens and earth. In Revelation 3:20, the Lord Jesus says, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.  


Holman Hunt drew a picture of the Lord Jesus standing at the door. When his friends viewed the painting, their comments were given below: 


"Uh, Holman - it’s a beautiful painting. But - well, didn’t you forget something?" 

"What did I forget?" 

The friend said, "The handle. There’s no handle on the door." 

To which the artist simply replied, "Oh! No, I didn’t forget the handle.  

When Jesus knocks on the door of your heart - the handle’s on the INSIDE." 


The Lord has finished the salvation plan. It is up to you inside the house to open the door and receive Him. This happiest place can be yours too. 


With God’s blessings, 






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