Man's Journey on Earth: The Christian Path (Part 2b)

Human reasoning is a unique feature of the humankind and this is a radical difference between humans and animals. However, we must admit that human reasoning has its limitations too and can also be biased and influenced by the environment and norms of society. The Christian Path In Part 2 (a) of my earlier article, I mentioned that the fork in the road comprises many choices. On the matter of how you conduct your life, I have narrowed down to two choices, i.e. one’s Current path and the Christian path. The Christian path was unreservedly recommended and for those who want to know why the Christian path was so strongly recommended, this section aims to provide the answers. The Current path Who are on this path? Man’s current path is the result of people’s reasoning on how they conduct their life on earth. Apart from their reasoning, quite a number walk this path by convention. Without much thinking, they continue the journey because that was how their forefathers used to live. Similarly...