
Peace and good will to all

Over the course of human existence, mankind seems t o be engaged in a perpetual war . The human nature of greed and lust for power ha s no end. The Christmas season reminds us of God’s gift of His holy Son the Lord Jesus to the world. The angels in heaven ann ounce the incarnate birth of the Lord Jesus to the shepherds at night and the song which you just heard (It came upon a midnight clear) summarized the message of peace.   When the word ‘ peace ’ is uttered, most of us have in mind things like cessation of wars, reconciliation with our enemies at work, home and even at church. However, the most important peace that we need to secure is peace with God . Before the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, mankind is at enmity with God . T he disobedience of our ancestor Adam created this enmity and we as his descendants have inherited it .      The outcome of this disobedience or sin is the evil tendency of human nature w hich is manifested in everyone. Even...

The Dreadful Subject: Death

1 Co rinthians 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?    It has been my desire to write about this subject for some time. Knowing it is somehow socially unpleasant, I procrastinated but the mystery shrouding makes me believe that this subject is of interest to many.   The inescapable reality of death compels every rational individual to contemplate the possibility of existence beyond it. If indeed there exists an afterlife, our actions on Earth should be guided by the anticipation of this subsequent phase of existence. It is my aspiration that this article may offer solace to many and bring closure to the pervasive question that lingers in the minds of all.   Death is mystifying because despite the  abundance of accounts recounting near-death experiences (NDE),  many people are not convinced that such experiences of life after death is the truth. Critics tend to dismiss such encounters as mere hallucinations or, at best, extra...