
The Lord's Timing (St John 7:1-17)

THE LORD'S TIMING (ST JOHN 7: 1 - 17) Dear Fellow Christians, In every facet of life, timing is especially important to ensure that we make the right decisions at the right time: whether it involves enrolling our children at a particular school, catching a flight at the airport or making an investment decision— it is natural for us to make prudent decisions at the correct timing. However, life often takes an unexpected turn and we do not always do things at the perfect timing despite our best efforts and attempts. For example, we cannot predict a person’s death or determine exactly when we will get inflicted with a disease. No one can likewise predict when a person gets married. The same goes for our investment decisions in purchasing a new house or shares. I hope that the teaching from this week’s Bible passage will help us to live our lives in a more placid manner. The blessed passage reminds us that all events that happen are controlled by God and only He knows b...

A hard saying by the Lord Jesus

19 April 2020 A hard saying by the Lord Jesus (John 6: 51-71) We have considered the wonderful sixth chapter of John’s Gospel in the Church’s blog over several weeks. The chapter ended with a hard saying of the Lord, resulting in the departure of many disciples John 6: 66 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him . Humanly or naturally, we would not make difficult statements in a concluding section of a speech or message. In this present age of progression of everything in the world like sales targets, educational success statistics, etc., the world would love more and more progressions. Churches are not spared of this tendency. It is a common question for churchgoers to ask, “How many people are attending your church?” When the Lord Jesus was speaking to the crowd that gathered to hear Him, He declared that the ‘bread’ He gives is His flesh and blood. The Lord then continued to teach about the necessity of eating His flesh and blo...

Meditation on the Lord Jesus as Bread of Life

A Meditation on the Lord Jesus as Bread of Life Of the 7 Great "I Ams" depicting our Lord Jesus in John's Gospel, "I Am the Bread of Life" occupies first place. The day after the Lord Jesus had performed the miracle of the feeding of the 5000, the people crowded Him on the other side of the lake, and at one point requested of Him, "Lord, evermore give us this bread" (Jn 6: 34)   Now the Lord begins His discourse on Himself being the Bread of Life.  The Lord Jesus said:                     "My Father giveth you the True Bread from Heaven" (Jn 6: 32)      "For the Bread of God is He Who cometh down from Heaven and giveth life unto the world"(Jn 6:33)      "I am the Bread of life; he that cometh to Me shall never hunger..."(Jn 6:35)      "I am the Living Bread That came down fr...

Online gathering for Sunday worship

Online gathering for Sunday worship Dear Fellow Christians, It was nice to gather together in the name of our Lord Jesus online today. I have been debating with myself over the online meeting for some time since the beginning of the Movement Control Order (MCO) by the Government. But with the 2nd extension announcement, I’ve decided to conduct the online meeting although questions may be raised over such a meeting. I hope to address some of these questions below: 1. The Bible did not promote an online meeting. It is an extraordinary time and this is the first experience for most people, including myself who is 64 years old, that a sort of global lockdown took place. I would relate it to the time of Judges in Chapter 4:1-6, whereby Deborah was appointed a judge. This is abnormal as even in the Bible, out of the 13 judges, only one is a woman. Therefore during such extreme situations, we did not have our gatherings when the MCO was announced, up to the moment of the 1st ...

The Lord calms the storm

5 April 2020 St John 6:16-21 – The Lord calms the storm This week, we will study the 5 th sign. In the previous weeks, we have covered the following signs which prove the Lordship of our Lord Jesus: 1)       The turning of water into wine (John 2:1) 2)       The healing of the nobleman’s son (John 4:50) 3)       The healing of the paralysed man (John 5:8) 4)       The feeding of the 5000 (John 6:11) In the later chapters of John’s gospel, the apostle noted the remaining two signs, making up a total of seven: 1)       The healing of the man who was blind at birth (John 9: 1 – 7) 2)       The raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1) The 5 th sign further illustrates the divinity of the Lord Jesus who defied the law of gravity when he walked on the waters of the raging sea. This sign bears significant meanings to people from all walks of life. Scientists would be in awe b...

The Feeding of the 5000 (St. John 6: 1-15)

The Feeding of the 5000 (St. John 6: 1-15) Dear Fellow Christians, We have been informed that the Movement Control Order (MCO) will be extended to 14 April 2020. Therefore the church will not have its regular activities carried out at the premise until that date. As God is in control of everything, we need not be troubled as Philippians 4:6 says, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”  The study for this week (St. John 6: 1-15) is commonly known as the “Feeding of the 5000”. The actual number of people in the congregation would likely exceed 5000 as the passage noted the number of men in the multitude only.  There are many lessons drawn from this passage. However, none is greater than the teaching and enlightenment that the Lord Jesus is divine — as proven in the signs He gave us. The subject of His divinity was covered quite comprehensively last week.  I wil...

The Son of God (St. John Chapter 5)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Movement Control Order that prohibits believers from gathering to worship our God is indeed a distressing time for all of us. Since the formation of the Church on 8th May 1994, this is the first time the Church did not gather for worship. We hope this order would not extend for a longer period. I hope this post finds you in good health. I’m praying for all of us that God will keep us from this dreadful disease and the nation will be delivered from the scourge. In response to the situation, I think it is good to continue our Sunday School Bible Study on St. John Chapter 5 through our blog.  This week, we will consider verses 30-47. I would like to focus on two matters for consideration: 1) The characteristic of humility in Christian behaviour 2) The veracity of affirmations that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God Verse 30: Humility This is a good reminder for all of us to avoid pride in ourselves. The Lord Jesus...

Wangsa Ukay Gospel Hall

Weekly schedule of Wangsa Ukay Gospel Hall Sunday 9am -- 9.40am        Morning service and communion  9.40am -- 10.10am     Sunday morning ministry 11am -- 12 noon         Sunday School Thursday  8.30pm-9.15 pm Bible study and prayer meeting Gospel meetings are held on the last Sunday of March, June, September and December at 11.30am. Believers are encouraged to do personal evangelism as this is an effective method to spread the gospel to family members and friends. A brief history of Wangsa Ukay Gospel Hall  Address: 16, Jalan Wangsa 2, Bukit Antarabangsa, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia. Matthew 18: 20 – For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  The assembly first started on 8th May 1994 with four believers in the home of Mr Wong Cheng Leong. He was led by the Lord Jesus Christ to set up Wangsa Ukay Gospel Hall (The Assemb...