
Bible reference: Matthew 14:1-13 Our conscience In this passage of the Bible, the Holy Spirit gave us an account of King Herod's guilty conscience when he heard about the miracles of the Lord Jesus. He thought the Lord was the resurrected John the Baptist which he beheaded. King Herod killed John the Baptist when he was celebrating his birthday. On that occasion, his daughter danced for the King and his ministers. He was so pleased with the dancing that he made a carte blanche offer to his daughter as a reward. When his daughter consulted Herodias (her mother) on what she should answer the King, her mother ordered her to ask for the head of John the Baptist. John was imprisoned during that time because he rebuked King Herod for taking Herodias, his brother's wife. When Herod heard the request, he was sorry for making such an offer to his daughter. Although wicked, he did not wish to sin in this manner. He could not retract his statement because all his ...