What Seek Ye?

What seek ye? John 1:35-39 (Part A) This sermon is divided into 2 parts. Part A deals with the question, “What seek ye” and Part B will cover “Where dwellest thou?” and “Come and See”. In John’s Gospel, the Lord Jesus asked a very important question, “What seek ye?”. Most of us, especially when we are young, go about seeking things that we thought are worthy and later find that it is quite useless to us. It will be a good lesson to teach our children to consider the question, “What are you seeking?” before they embark on their plans. I always like the old Chinese slang from a variant of the Hokkien clan that we must not “Te lang see” which is to blindly follow people to destruction. Young kids learn bad things by following their peers like smoking. They just “Te lang see”. The forbidden list goes on to drugs, speaking foul languages or addiction to social media. If both the young and old can question themselves “What seek ye?” before blindly following their p...