Man's Journey on Earth: A fork in the road (Part 2a)

Man's Journey on Earth (Part 2a) "God in his infinite grace makes the Gospel available to everyone at every age. During the last cycle of a person’s life, he or she must choose the right path quickly and wisely because time is exponentially limited." A fork in the road Introduction Life offers us many choices. Choices such as the schools to attend, career paths, marriage partners, including trivialities like selecting between vanilla or strawberry ice cream are some of the plentiful options available to us. Oftentimes, our choices are not limited to two like the above metaphor, but more than two. In the selection process, we invariably narrow down the alternatives to two of the best options and from thereon, we decide what we think is the ideal choice. In this article, I will be guiding readers into considering the options between taking the Christian path or to continue the current path an individual is walking. In this current path, I assume that the person may have ...