The Lord's Timing (St John 7:1-17)

THE LORD'S TIMING (ST JOHN 7: 1 - 17) Dear Fellow Christians, In every facet of life, timing is especially important to ensure that we make the right decisions at the right time: whether it involves enrolling our children at a particular school, catching a flight at the airport or making an investment decision— it is natural for us to make prudent decisions at the correct timing. However, life often takes an unexpected turn and we do not always do things at the perfect timing despite our best efforts and attempts. For example, we cannot predict a person’s death or determine exactly when we will get inflicted with a disease. No one can likewise predict when a person gets married. The same goes for our investment decisions in purchasing a new house or shares. I hope that the teaching from this week’s Bible passage will help us to live our lives in a more placid manner. The blessed passage reminds us that all events that happen are controlled by God and only He knows b...